By Dimitria Aridas 

Welcome to the world of Pilates—a place where the wisdom of Joseph Pilates comes alive in every breath, movement, and moment. Joseph created Pilates with three core principles in mind breath, health of the whole body and commitment of the mind, body and spirit. I regularly draw inspiration from the timeless teachings of the father of Pilates himself.

Let's explore the significance of correct breathing, the elegance of flexibility, and the holistic wellbeing advocated by Joseph Pilates.

Mastering the Art of Breath 

In the words of Joseph Pilates, "Breathing is the first act of life, and the last." Picture yourself creating a vacuum, squeezing every breath of air from your lungs, and then, standing tall, notice how breathing in the fresh air makes you feel. This is the essence of correct breathing—a principle in Pilates practice.

Pilates is about encouraging a mindful connection with your breath. This art eventually becomes a habit and is highly revitalising.

            The Elegance of Flexibility: A Dance of Strength and Grace

 Joseph Pilates challenges the way we identify fitness. It encourages those who practice seeking flexibility, not just muscle development. Pilates says, "True flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed." 

"Constantly remember that you are not interested in merely developing bulging muscles but rather flexible ones."

 Pilates becomes a dance with the proper guidance—a rhythmic movement of developing power and graceful flexibility invigorating the body and mind.

A Balanced Foundation for Health 

Joseph Pilates addresses prevalent issues like poor posture and spinal curvature. "When the spine curves, the entire body is thrown out of its natural alignment – off balance," says Joseph. My approach to wellbeing echoes this sentiment: creating a balanced foundation for your body is the key to your Pilates journey. 

 As Joseph says, "The spine is the gateway to health, and Pilates is the key to unlocking its potential."

The Pillars of Restful Sleep: Nurturing the Body and Mind

Joseph Pilates extends his wisdom to the realm of restful sleep. In my many years of nurturing the bodies and minds of my clients, we always come back to sleep. This is where we foster the vitality to fuel our practice and lives. Pilates becomes a holistic remedy for sleep issues, a way to combat nervousness and induce deep, restorative sleep.

"Nervousness is usually aggravated by a lack of proper exercise, especially in the case of one with a troubled mind."

 The spinal "rolling" and "unrolling" exercises, as suggested by Joseph, become a calming ritual—bringing tranquillity to the nerves and paving the way for rejuvenating sleep.

In conclusion, the legacy of Joseph Pilates has inspired the spirit of my teachings. At my studio, we will continue to explore the art of correct breathing, the elegance of flexibility, the significance of posture, the pillars of restful sleep, and the holistic rituals that contribute to your wellbeing. 


Dimitria’s Pastelli recipe in the kitchen with Kali Orexi